Monday 16 January 2012

New year and goals

It's a Brand new year and I have several goals, in the sewing department. At the end of October, I ended up so busy that I didn't have the time to sit down and do anything. Then, since I don't have a room of my own, the small tiny sewing area became the drop all for the man folk in the house; that includes, my husband, and two boys. So, once again, I have to clean it up and get all the junk off it. Good thing I made that sewing cover eh? LOL

With Christmas come and gone, the holidays didn't bring snow, but it made for easier driving I must admit. Not that we drove anywhere really because we stayed very close to home. It was quite nice.

Now onto my goals for the year creative wise. I'm still painting ceramics, and there is of course my sewing. Today I took the first step in mapping out an idea I had for a wall hanging. It was a little daunting because I'm not good at math, but with my mothers help we got the measurements down and I'm so ready to get started. I need to re-wash all my fabric again, which I will be doing. Then the fun begins; I honestly cannot wait. The wall hanging will be my spring and summer one. I already my Christmas one. I think one more for the fall will be perfect. For now, though I'm going to work on this spring and summer one. As I get going on it of course, I'll blog every step of the way. This will probably include my frustrations and my happy dance posts when I see it coming together.

Until then, happy creative time.