Monday 22 July 2013

Holly Hobbie a go!

Yep, Holly Hobbie is a go. I've been working on her and enjoy it, a lot. Who knew working on something like this could bring you comfort and joy. :) I have the smaller panels done, now to figure out the rest, but it's coming together so nicely. Yes, I know there are a few mistakes, but this is my quilt and it's going to be mine. Something I can wrap myself into and keep warm. Here's all eight of the small panels done. Go me!

One of the kittens(Skittles) taking a nap on my table with all the my quilting stuff. I thought it should be shown. lol. The other kitty likes my iron board. Yes, I have a picture of her as well, This one would be Sally.

So the animals always keep it interesting. Today when I was working on the smaller panels, the dog(Tanis) was chasing the kittens from one spot to another. At one point they kittens were on top of my project bin staring down at the dog.....It wasn't a boring morning that`s for sure.

So that`s what I've been doing.
See you again, next time

Wednesday 10 July 2013

This is what I've been up too.

Evening everyone. :)

I failed the challenge on sewing everyday, but that is okay. My goal for myself is to keep being creative and that's what I've been doing. The other day, I had a light bulb go on. Remember that patchwork cutting I was doing, well it hit me what I could do with it. I'm actually very happy about it. I just finished cutting more patchwork blocks; I stopped though because it was getting too hot and I really wanted to sit in front of the fan.

Anyway, here is more on the patchwork quilt idea. I'll let the picture do most of the talking.

Basically I've had the Holly Hobbie stuff for about 3 yrs and finally, FINALLY going to be doing something with it. I' m rather proud of myself for finally figure out what I'm going to do with it. The quilt will be a gift to myself, since I grew up with her as a kid.

I want to thank my mother for the scraps she gave me for the patchwork quilt. I can't wait to get this going and underway, along with my many other projects I've got listed to do. :)

So that's what I've been up too.


Thursday 4 July 2013

Not so much today.

Today was a very off day for me. Despite the wish and or want to sew it didn't work out. Well not today anyway. I did do a bit of hand sewing and I need to really practice on that. So I'm working on the pot holders and getting openings sewed up. Yeah, I'm still not great at it, even after all these years I'm still not good. Practice makes perfect they say. LOL Well someday I will get right right!

No pictures today, but just the basic hand sewing of getting the pot holders sewing up so I can stitch them with a design on the sewing machine later.

that's it folks. :)

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Major progress and something to sew tomorrow.

Hey, hey hey.

Today, I did the pot holders I had cut out. I just need to stitch them up, and they'll be done and sent to the people they are going too. Then I set to work on a quilt idea, so I'm working on that and you'll see a picture of the progress there. I've decided to challenge myself and try to sew every day this month. I can't take the credit, because someone else issued a challenge and whom and I to say no. The challenge was issued on a group that I'm member on Facebook. So I did sew today! Just pot holders, but I need to stitch them closed then maybe do a design on them too. I don't have a free motion quilt for my grace; I do have fancy stitches so I will use those. :) All in all it was a good day.

Here is the big pile of pot holders

And here is another project I started, which is pinned to sew up tomorrow. I don't know if I'm going to make it into a quilt or if I'm just going to keep it small and make it into something bigger. I'm thinking a quilt, maybe a double. Yep, I'm likely to get in over my head, but honestly, I think it will be fun. :D

And that's it for me tonight. :) I feel pretty good about what I did today. Now I'm going to go reward myself with a nice soak in the tub! :D


Tuesday 2 July 2013

Skulls and Greens and paper piecing too.

Hello everyone. I managed to sit down today and do a pair of shorts. It only took me two hours to do, and that was even stopping to eat lunch. Anyway, the shorts were made for my youngest boy, who adores them, since he hasn't taken them off since I asked him to try them on. The pattern was a Mcalls pattern - M4364 The shorts were super easy to sew up. I just took longer because I like to zigzag the raw edges to help prevent fraying.

Also yesterday, I spent the afternoon with my mother and we did paper piecing. She had done it before, but I have never tried it, so that was quite interesting. We made A LOT of mistakes, but it was also a very fun and sometimes frustrating learning process. I will be doing that again. I'll just have to wait and I've added it into my bucket list of projects I want to do. lol I have other projects that are sitting to be sewn up, and am probably going to do those tomorrow. So with out further ado, here are the pics; one is the paper piece that my mother did and you will notice the mistakes (it was a test square anyway for my mother to learn how to do it right.)

The bottom image is of my youngest boy, who rather looks cool with his new shorts and sunglasses on. As I said before he's quite happy with them and that makes mom very happy as well. :)

Until next time.