Monday 9 September 2013

First Time Free Motion Quilting.

Today, I did take the plunge and tried out free motion quilting. It really and truly is not as easy as it looks. BUT it's fun! lol. I don't have an extension table, although it is on my list to get. Along with that list is my walking foot. I'm going to need it soon. Anyway I'm not giving away that project. Today is about finishing a UFO= Unfinished object. In my case my plunge into free motion quilting. There are several video's online and I've watched a couple here and there. I had ten potholders to do and well, that's what I used. I know I need a lot more practice, but I'm going to continue. I had a lot of fun and towards the end I was be-bopping along with some music.

I did run into one snag and for some reason my first bobbin decided it was gonna tangle all over the place. I figure (and as does my mother) the bobbin wasn't wound right. So I got another bobbin ready and didn't have another problem at all. I went on my way and I was having fun. I can say that an extension table would have made things just that much easier and that will come. I was happy though. Those woman and yes men out there that have done this for years, kudo's to you for making it look so easy and I only hope one day I can make it look like that as well.

Here are the potholders. Close up of the free motion. I didn't do too bad; I know that at times my stitching was longer or shorter, that comes with practice I'm sure of it.

For sure I will be doing this again; I really enjoyed the free motion quilting. One project in the bucket done, several more to be working on.

Oh happy day/evening.
Until later. :)

Friday 6 September 2013

Halloween Project

It's me again. I finally took the plunge and turned my dinning room in a sewing room. Even if that is the case, my sewing machine still resides in my living room, because there isn't enough room in the sewing room. Besides, where the sewing machine is now, I can easily look out the window, so that's kind of nice. I'm happy with it, because I can work on the projects without having to take the table down. Also, during the holidays the long table will serve as a dinning table, so it's a win-win situation.

Here is one of the many projects I am working on. I realized too late I had forgotten to see about getting fuseable interfacing. My bad, but I also need it for another project I'm going to be working on. Hopefully I buy enough, lol. Here's a sneak peek at the Halloween project. It came out the the fons and porter - Patrick lose fall edition; The mini quilt is Seasonal Silhouettes. I can't wait to get it going and learning some more things.

Here are the pictures, and as you can one of my 'helpers' decided to get into the pictures as well. The view with Skittles in it, is the picture of the whole room, and my little cutting area. :)

Happy crafting/sewing/quilting everyone.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Lunch bag

Hello, hello

I finally sat down and made my youngest his lunch bag. I'm happy with it, but I discovered I have a real hate for binding. But, that's something that will take practice I know. LOL. So the tut I followed was this one - Lunch bag I like this pattern because it's very compact and not a lot of pattern pieces to shuffle though. Hey who doesn't love not having a million pattern pieces? I did this up this morning and I do plan on making another one. I might change the pattern though, to be a little wider and perhaps a bit shorter. ALL in all I did like how it turned out. Still need mega practice on binding and maybe I will grow to love it. lol Or you know go back to the way I was taught to do it; half by machine other half by hand.

Here are the pictures of the finished product.

So one project done and many to go. Like making another lunch bag.

See ya later.