Thursday 27 October 2011

Halloween shirt


It's been a long good while since I posted here. I've been busy with things beyond my control. I finally finished the shirt for my youngest boy for Halloween. There was a bit of a twist and turn with making the shirt; mainly the button holes. I've got to learn how to use the button hold tool for my sewing machine. Fun fun. All and all the shirt turned out marvelous. The only downside, my youngest didn't like it. I made for him as a surprise. So, I'm a bit disappointed. I've left it out in hopes that he will wear it. If not, I'll slip it away and maybe one day I'll have a grandchild that will wear it.

The one other snag I had, was the novelty buttons, they just didn't work out. I ended up digging through my old stash of buttons and found four orange ones and using them. I think it looks much better. Lesson learned, novelty buttons, save your money and just get buttons that match.

Without further ado the shirt. I'm quite proud of it even if my ten yr old doesn't like it or many not wear it.



1 comment:

  1. The shirt looks really good. Maybe that 10 year old will change his mind.
