Thursday 2 May 2013

The quest for knowledge continues

Not really, but it is a chore trying to figure things out; honestly though, I love the challenge and that to me is the main thing. Today was about major challenges, since I'm not very mathematically inclined I tend to make blunders. The good thing in this, it wasn't too bad of a blunder. A phone call to my mother, a quick ten-fifteen minute visit and I was back on track again. A stop for lunch and then another blunder of sewing the fabric wrong seen me sitting in a chair, watching M*A*S*H for forty-five minutes while I ripped that out.

The dog was vegging in her bed during all this and no help what so ever. However, she kept me company and that's kinda cool. Though, she gave me some looks as to why she couldn't cuddle up beside me. Yeah, she thinks she's a lap dog. She's close to being one, but nope, she's a little big for it, but not much. Anyway, I'm happy to say that I got the quilt put together for the most part. The back is done and I'm actually quite proud of it. So with out further ado, here are the picks.

This here is the front after getting the batting on and pinning the heck out of it.

The back of it. Gotta tell you I do love the spiderweb fabric. I wish I had thought to get more. lol

Lastly, when you do a project like this, pins are your best friend and you end up pinning the heck of it, is what you do to keep in place. This is if you want to work on hand stitching or working on the bias.

So here is the close up of the pinning love.

1 comment:

  1. You have far more patience than I do! I like the back, reminds me of fireworks on Halloween, definitely fits (and now I just want to go trick or treating). Can't wait to see the end result!
