Monday 12 August 2013

A little headway

I have been fiddling around here with some projects. Lining up my fabric for the net set of patches for my Hollie Hobbie quilt. I made a bit more progress. Now it was discovered too late but the bottom of the panel was not straight, even when I went and cut it. Anyway, suffice to say, you can really see where it wasn't even. I'm not to worried about it, because again, it's a patch work quilt. I think it gives it a big of character. I put a brown border around it and now that it's done I can go into the patch work. Hubby and I figured out the measurements and honestly, I'm glad hubby is the math guy because I am not good at math. LOL My youngest boy was nice enough to hold up the quilt for me to take a picture of it, so I can show it. So here ya go, the slow progress on it.

That's it for now, happy quilting,crafting or whatever you may be doing.

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